First ACH eBill – A bill presentment solution
81.3% of Americans pay their bills online…
Give your customers what they want with First ACH eBill
Gone are the days of stamps, envelopes, and payments getting lost in the mail.
Because over 80% of Americans are checking their bank statements, paying their bills, and managing their payments online.
First ACH eBill is your 21st century email-based payment method.
With First ACH eBill, you can
- Automatically send your customers their bill via email
- Give your customers the luxury of one-click online payments
- Create one-time or recurring payments
- Reduce missed payments due to post office or customer error
- Collect payments through ACH Payment Processing.
But wait! There’s more..
The super-secret-awesome-feature you won’t find anywhere else….
First ACH eBill includes an exciting feature you won’t find anywhere else – the ability to capture your customer’s Electronic Signature.
Each time your customer makes a payment using eBill, we collect their legal signature electronically – just as if they’d signed a binding document in your attorney’s office.
This gives you ironclad documentation that they’ve agreed to pay you for the services/products you’ve provided.
Remarkable flexibility
When you collect payments with First ACH eBill, you can create a one-time payment, or set up a series of recurring payments for your customer to authorize.
The recurring payment option is a perfect fit if you have an ongoing relationship with a particular customer.
But don’t worry – toggling back and forth between one-time and recurring payments is a snap! Within eBill, you can easily stop or modify a customer’s payment schedule if their situation changes.
Here’s how eBill works:

From within myFirstACH, navigate to the Payments Menu and select eBill.

Create an eBill by entering basic customer information (don’t forget the bill amount).

Click submit. Your eBill will instantly appear in your customer’s inbox. Once they click the payment link, they’ll be whisked away to our secure payment page (featuring your awesome logo), and be able to complete their transaction in less than a minute.
Simple. Fast. Easy.
That’s why customers love using First ACH eBill to make online payments.
So what about customers that don’t pay, even though they can no longer use the old “forgot to mail my check” excuse?
Relax - even if you use this ultra-modern eBill solution to collect payments, you can still send your buddy Bruno to pay a friendly, old-fashioned visit to non-paying customers who need a little extra, um, encouragement.